Friday, December 28, 2012
Christmas Coronary
With Christmas just five days behind us, we quickly write off the season – it’s over again, for another year. But the baby who arrived on Christmas Day was the Christ, not just that day 2000 years ago, or a birthday we celebrated 5 days ago. Jesus IS the Christ – yesterday, today and forever. We need a Christmas heart that lasts all year. Sunday, Dec 30, 10 a.m.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Do you know what day it is?
Do you know what day it is? Of course you do- it's Christmas! This is the day when everything the whole world could have hoped for became a reality. True happiness may, at times, seem like a faint hope. But the incredible has happened - God became human and he has restored us to himself. All is well! Join our celebration on Christmas morning at 10 a.m.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Do you hear what I hear?
Do you hear what I hear? I hear God's voice all around us this Christmas season - in the carols, in the words on cards,in the gifts being shared, and in that still, small voice that invites us into the mystery that is Christmas. God speaks to us more often than we realize. "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts" (Hebrews 3:7 or 15). Join us to listen to God's voice this Sunday, Dec. 23, 10 a.m.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Emily Jane Sergovich Numan
November 25, 2012, we celebrated the baptism of Emily Jane Sergovich Numan. Congratulations to new parents, Anthony & Aimee. God is soooo good!
Friday, November 23, 2012
Out of the office...
After this Sunday's service I will be leaving for vacation. We will have guest pastors on Dec 2 and 9. I'll be back for the 16th.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
A really good book
A lot of us appreciate a really good book. But do we think of the Bible as one of our "must reads"? Other than some great stories that we read in children’s story bibles, many people don’t take the Old Testament seriously. But Jesus took it very seriously. He expects the same of us. The Bible is still a really good book. It's also indispensable; it's a great book - enjoy it! We look at Jesus' command about respecting the Bible (Matthew 5:17-20) this Sunday, Nov. 25 at 10:00 a.m.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
15 minutes of fame
A lot of us are still waiting for our 15 minutes of fame. Jesus tells his disciples that they are the salt of the earth (Matt 5:13). That designation goes a lot further than a flash of celebrity status. It's quite an honour, for Jesus to call us "the salt of the earth." Jesus blesses us, equips us, and encourages us before he delivers the commands that follow in his Sermon on the Mount. Because of Jesus, every one of us really does make a difference in this world. Sunday, Nov 18, 10 a.m.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Remembrance Day
This Sunday we pause to remember those who fought in various wars to secure our peace. When you commit yourself to doing what is right you will, simultaneously, oppose what is wrong. That might make you unpopular, and you will be “persecuted” for it. Jesus knows that following him is going to hurt. But he doesn’t send us out into the fray alone. He goes with us, and he promises us his blessings. Join us as we look at the beatitudes which promise blessings on those who are persecuted. Nov 11, 10 am.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
"I believe"
On September 23 we celebrated with two families of our church as we heard the public profession of faith of Al Penny, Stacey Wellstead, and Evan & Paige Mitchell. Abigail Wellstead also told us that she loves Jesus and was welcomed as a baptized member. God is good!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Nicolas Trent Dreise
Last Sunday we celebrated the sacrament of baptism - Nicolas Trent Dreise was welcomed into God's family. Congratulations to Arlin and Joanne and to sibs Josiah and Allisa!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Mind the Gap
"Mind the gap" - it's a constant warning at subway stations. It is also a warning that God speaks to us: to mind the gap between the rich and the poor. The parable of the rich man and poor Lazarus (Luke 16) is a reminder to "mind the gap." Nov 4 is world hunger Sunday in the CRC - mind the gap, remember, and act. Join us, 10 a.m. (Eastern Standard Time!!)
Monday, October 29, 2012
Lucknow Growing Project
The crop for this year’s Lucknow Growing Project has been harvested. The field, located on Hawkins Road near Dungannon, was planted with corn. Under sunny skies, Byrne Burgsma and Gerben Wynja took in the crop. The 18 acre field yielded 3013 bushels of grain corn (167 bushels/acre) which will be sold and then multiplied four-fold by the Canadian government. The funds will then be used by the Canadian Food Grains Bank to address poverty and hunger worldwide.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Enduring Scorn
"Have mercy on us, O Lord, hae mercy on us, for we have endured much contempt." Those words come from Psalm 123:3. This Sunday, October 28, guest pastor Tom Van Milligen preaches on this text while I lead worship in Guelph. May God be worshiped wherever we gather.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Happy 60th to us!
This Sunday the Lucknow Community Christian Reformed Church celebrates its 60th anniversary. Our worship service will be one of celebration and we will look at Psalm 66. In that Psalm we are invited to "come and see" what God has done and how he turned our sea into dry land. The psalmist remembers the people of Israel passing through the Red Sea. But every one of us can read this psalm as our own, remembering how God has taken us through some tough times. We have been "through fire and water, but [God] has brought us to a place of abundance" (66:12). Come celebrate God's goodness with us, Oct 21, 10 a.m.
Friday, October 12, 2012
World Peace
It's the classic beauty pageant response to, well, everything: World Peace. So when Jesus says, "blessed are the peacemakers," we don't really take it too seriously. But Jesus is serious. God is going to bless peace makers. World peace can be a reality - Jesus ushers it in now and we'll know God's shalom completely when Christ returns. We worship as peacemakers, this Sunday, October 14, at 10 a.m.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Why do we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries anyway. Is it just to mark another milestone in life or should there be more to it? Jesus would likely tell us that these special days (and any other day for that matter) are good times to reflect on the past, to remember. Jesus would have us remember especially the times of abundant overflowing blessing so that we can recognize that He is at work in our lives and in our world. Sunday, Oct 7, 10 a.m., with Ken deBoer in the pulpit.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Dedicated to her memory
Last Sunday we gathered outside after the service to dedicate a tree planted in memory of Syke Sutherland. Syke's husband Jim, with help from their six grandchildren, placed the plaque as their church family looked on.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
He's on your side
This Sunday morning we begin a sermon series from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. The first four beatitudes in Matthew 5 are sometimes called “the poor beatitudes.” From this perspective, it might be more fitting to call these chapters, “Jesus’ sermon from the valley.” To those who are in the valley, burdened and discouraged, Jesus gives the assurance that he is on their side.
Friday, September 21, 2012
It seemed like a good idea at the time
When you sign up to go skydiving, you do so on solid ground. Up in the plane, you might rethink your decision. When we profess our faith in God, we do so in the safe haven of our church family. But we soon discover that following Jesus involves a lot of challenges and can be somewhat unnerving; we might have some doubts about what we signed up for. But as Jesus called his disciples, we too are reminded that when God calls us he also equips us. Following Jesus is a lifelong adventure in which we grow to be more like Jesus every day. Sunday, Sept 23, 10 a.m.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Looking through the garden gate
This is Fall Fair weekend in Lucknow; the theme is Looking through the Garden Gate. This Sunday we look through the Garden Gate, from the other side. Having admired the produce we turn around to see the Gardener. Jesus describes God the Father as our Gardener. The fruit we produce happens because of him. (John 15:1,8)
Friday, September 7, 2012
From now on, Preach it!
When things go from bad to worse, it’s tempting to retreat. But that’s when we are expected to get to work. Jesus heard the news that John the Baptist had been put in prison, and from that time on he began to preach (Matthew 4:17). We too, have been called to preach, in one way or another. May the Holy Spirit empower each of you, from now on, to stand up and "preach it!"
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Weekend at Point Farms Provincial Park
God blessed us with beautiful weather for Lucknow Community Christian Reformed Church's Labour Day campout. He also blessed us with lots of laughs during the games, safety (for the most part!) as we swam and biked and walked, great conversations, and an amazing worship service in the park.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Church camping, Labour Day Weekend
The Lucknow Church family is camping at Point Farms this weekend. Our Sunday morning worship service will happen in the park, near the barn (ask at front desk), at 10 a.m. Bring a lawn chair and your coffee cup. Guests are very welcome. See you there!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Sun rise
This summer we have worked through an experiment – the Jesus Experiment. We set out to prove or disprove the hypothesis that Jesus Christ gives a rich and satisfying life to those who follow him. Well, the summer is over (almost). Our summer ended with a wedding, a baptism and a funeral. These events reminded us that the rich and satisfying life is lived in anticipation of future glory – the Day of the Lord when “the sun of righteousness will rise with healing it its wings.” Join us this Sunday, Aug 26, 10 a.m.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
A funeral: Syke Sutherland
A wedding, then a baptism, and yesterday, a funeral. All of life has been compressed into three days for our church community. Yesterday we said "farewell" to God's child, Syke Sutherland. May God comfort her husband Jim and their daughters, grandchildren, and all the other family members and friends who mourn her death. "Listen, I tell you a mystery: we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed" (I Cor 15:51). Syke now lives in glory- she has been changed.
A baptism: Hailey & Grace VanHardeveld
A wedding, and then a baptism. On Sunday, Aug 19, we witnessed the baptism of Eric & Mandy's twin girls, Hailey Jeanette and Grace Lorraine. God's promises are extended to these little ones. Congratulations to Eric, Mandy, and to Sam too!
A wedding: Kelsey & Mark
Congratulations to Kelsey Burgsma and Mark Duckworth who were married here on Saturday, August 18. God blessed them on their beautiful wedding day; may he bless them in even more beautiful ways in their marriage.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
“We.” “Must.” The “we” involves all of us, and the “must” says we don’t have an option. Jesus said, “We must do the work of him who sent [Jesus]” (John 9:4); we must take action. No time like the present, no day like today to discover the rich and satisfying life that is ours when we follow Jesus. This Sunday we worship in the context of a wedding (Kelsey Burgsma & Mark Duckworth), a baptism (Hailey & Grace Van Hardeveld), and a funeral (Syke Sutherland). May God bless us with his presence.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Olympic Dreams
Watching the Olympics has become a lot more than the thrill of competition; interviews and documentaries now invite us into the lives of the athletes. Almost every athlete speaks of the importance of remaining focused no matter what else may be happening around them. The same is true for the person who wants to follow Jesus – we have to remain focused on our mission and purpose. Only then will we experience the rich and satisfying life that is promised to those who follow Jesus. Sunday, August 5, 10 a.m.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Sometimes prison doesn't look so bad
We have been adding a lot of things to our Jesus Experiment this summer- that experiment to determine if a "rich and satisfying life" really is out there for those who follow Jesus. There may be times when we are tempted to forget the whole thing completely. We imagine that there are other ways, worldly ways, to grab hold of a “rich and satisfying life.” Those temptations look pretty attractive, but don't be fooled; they will imprison us rather than free us. Too often we give in to our temptations, even when we know better. In spite of it all, God forgives us; Jesus sets captives free. This Sunday, 10 a.m., 1 John 2:12-17.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Run for cover
What happens when times of fear and loss become part of our lives? Can we still enjoy a “rich and satisfying life” when things blow up in our face? Jesus knew fear. This Sunday we go with him to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus faced his fears, with a little help from his friends and a lot of help from his Father. July 22, 10 a.m.
Friday, July 13, 2012
VBS wraps up
This Sunday we wrap up our Vacation Bible School week. From Monday through Friday we hung out at Sonrise National Park where we found out what a joy it is to follow Jesus. We pointed kids to Jesus. If you want to be saved, you have to believe in the Lord Jesus (Acts 16:31). Join us this Sunday so you can meet Jesus. July 15, 10:00 a.m.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
The experiment continues
This morning we added a catalyst to our "Jesus Experiment." Luke 5:16 says that "Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." If we are looking for the rich and satisfying life that Jesus promises, we have to be spending time alone with God - often. Try it this week, and expect to see results.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
The Jesus Experiment
We are going to spend this summer working on an experiment – the Jesus Experiment. (The Jesus Experiment is a book written by Bill Perkins; we will be using his book in this sermon series) We begin with a hypothesis: JESUS CHRIST GIVES A RICH AND SATISFYING LIFE TO THOSE WHO FOLLOW HIM (John 10:10). Do we believe this to be true? Do we dare to test God in his promises? This summer, don’t just read about Jesus, experience him. Join us on Canada Day, July 1, 10 a.m.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Strawberry Summerfest in Lucknow
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Coffee Break women
Friday, June 15, 2012
Near miss

Friday, June 8, 2012
Surprise endings

Good Food Box Friday
Friday, June 1, 2012
The Hunger Games
In a scene early in the movie, The Hunger Games, Katniss volunteers as tribute in place of her little sister. It's an act of bravery and love. Katniss is taking on a risk that may end in death. Esther was another young woman who stepped forward at the risk of death. Her story though, isn't fiction. Esther's words, "If I perish, I perish," remind us of another who volunteered as tribute: Jesus approaches the King and stands there in our place. God gave his Son so that we might not perish. Join us for this mini series from the Book of Esther. June 3, 10 a.m.
Friday, May 25, 2012
A Magnificent Breath
In the opening paragraphs of W.O. Mitchell's, Who Has Seen the Wind, the author describes the Saskatchewan prairie as being in anticipation, "as though a magnificent breath were being held" (p 3). This Sunday we anticipate the expelling of a magnificent breath - the power of the Holy Spirit as we celebrate Pentecost. God speaks to us today, and through the power of the Holy Spirit we can expect the church to be strengthened and encouraged (Act 9:31). Sunday, May 27, 10 a.m.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Defense lawyers
Over the last few weeks, Canadians have been hearing the horrific details around the kidnapping and murder of a little 8 year old. We wonder what kind of lawyer would be willing to speak in defense of the perpetrator of such a crime. Then we read a passage like I John 2:2 where we are told that Jesus is now in heaven where he is speaking to the Father in our defense. Jesus is doing that for us. Us - guilty of sin, deserving of death. And Jesus steps up to defend us. Humbling, amazing, and worth celebrating. Happy Ascension Day! We celebrate together on Sunday, May 20, at 10 a.m.
Friday, May 11, 2012
The new roof
The church's one foundation will always be Jesus Christ her Lord. But at some point the roof will need to be replaced. Our new roof comes with a really long guarantee - we expect to be here for many years to come!
The Book of Proverbs concludes with a detailed list of traits that characterize “the wife of noble character.” I’m not sure that even SuperWoman could live up to a check list like this! But this passage isn’t a check list at all; it’s a description of how God sees us when we follow Jesus. When we follow Jesus, God sees beautiful women, men and children who bear his image – he counts US worthy of HIS praise! Join us this Mother's Day, May 13 at 10:00 a.m.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Operation Manna
Operation Manna, along with Operation Chowhound took place at the end of WWII, from April 29 - May 8 1945. A total of 11,000 tons of food was dropped on the yet unliberated parts of Europe to help feed civilians who were in danger of starvation in the Dutch famine. Operation Manna could also be the name of God's rescue plan. His operation includes rescuing us from our daily troubles but also from certain annihilation. His Operation Manna was deployed years ago and is still a success today. This Sunday our offering is for Operation Manna, a program which offers relief for those in need. It's one part of God’s much larger operation.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Baptism by great-aunt Rita
Last night I was the guest preacher at Maranatha Christian Reformed Church in Woodstock. I had been invited there on the initiative of my niece Melanie to baptize her and Nathan's 5th child, Daniel Philip Huinink. What an honour! We had a great service, celebrating God's grace and his faithfulness through the generations. It was great being back in Woodstock, where I grew up. Lots of new faces in church, but also many dear people who were amazingly familiar, even after being away for 34 years. Love this picture of Nathan and Melanie, and the kids: Joseph, Amber, Tiffany, Levi, and baby Daniel!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
GEMS Sunday, this Sunday
"Get Wisdom: Go Beyond the Gold!" That's the theme of the GEMS girls' club this season. This Sunday we will look at that verse, found in Proverbs 16:16, which just happens to be the middle verse of that book of the Bible. That makes wisdom central to everything we do. The "wisdom" we are talking about is the wisdom that is centered in Jesus. The GEMS will be participating in much of the service. Hope you can join us, in person at 10:00 a.m., or sometime next week after the service is posted to our church's website.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Out of the office...
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Why are you crying?

The End

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