You never know, but I suspect that our Christmas table will NOT look like this. My family gatherings tend to get a little loud and a little chaotic. Makes one wonder why we do this. The pharisees put a similar question to Jesus' disciples: "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?" Why indeed! Why would Jesus come to earth as a helpless baby? Why would he live a life of suffering and misunderstanding? Why would he let himself accept the death penalty of the most despised criminal? Jesus replied to the pharisees that it is the sick who need a doctor. Jesus chose to extend his healing touch to less-than-perfect people. He joins us with a task in mind, but he joins us because he loves us, warts and all. Sometime this Christmas season, take a few moments to wonder about the "why" question. It will put the who, what, when and where back into perspective. This Sunday: Matthew 9:9-13.