Join us on Good Friday as we remember what Christ has done for us.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Lord Remember Me
Death bed conversions don't seem fair to many of us. Would God really forgive someone who has lived a godless life, done their own thing, never volunteered a moment of their time, or given to a worthy charity? Would God really let someone like that into the kingdom just because, at the last moment, they realize there is no way out, death is inevitable, and Jesus might just be the only way to be saved?
The story of the criminal crucified with Jesus who, after asking Jesus to remember him when he comes into his kingdom, is assured of his salvation, tells us Jesus does honour last minute conversions. The larger message though, is in the fact that salvation is God's work, not ours. While we may feel we have brought a lot to the table, making ourselves worthy of salvation, we have the same as this dying criminal, absolutely nothing. Our hands are empty, our bargaining chips useless. We are saved by grace alone.
Join us on Good Friday as we remember what Christ has done for us.
Join us on Good Friday as we remember what Christ has done for us.