If there was ever a good week to have our service at the park, this is it. We've had a small fire in the church, and there is smoke and soot everywhere. We had already planned to meet at the barn at Point Farms Provincial Park for our worship service as part of our annual church camping, so for this week anyway, no change will be needed.

This week we will be looking at a passage that demands a change, a change in attitude, a change in understanding. Peter, who had, in the previous passage given his profession of faith, naming Jesus as the Messiah, the son of the living God, now tries to change Jesus' path. He responds negatively to Jesus' explanation of what will happen in the next few weeks. Jesus turns to Peter with the word's "Get behind me Satan!"
Is Peter really demon possessed, or is there something more here? A call to discipleship maybe?
Our service will begin at 10:30, at the barn