Monday, October 27, 2014

Practice what you Preach

In the first verses of Matthew 23, Jesus seems to lose his cool. The previous chapters had recounted the priests , Pharisees, and Sadducees working to trap Jesus, to undermine his authourity. In every case he shuts down their questioning, to the point where they are afraid to ask anything else. Now here in chapter 23 Jesus tells us what he really thinks about these folks and people like them, people who preach and teach the truth, but don`t live it themselves.

This Sunday, we will consider how Jesus words, coupled with those of Paul in 1 Thessalonians 2, impact our lives.

It has been said that a theology that does not equip you to live is not a good theology.

What  do our neighbours learn about God by watching us?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

We call it the golden rule.

 Jesus identifies two laws which are the most important in answer to a question from a lawyer out to stump him. Love God and love your neigbour. He says every other rule or law in life hangs off of these two principles.

While Jesus' words seem to be common sense, they are actually very radical. This Sunday we will spend some time considering just how radical they are, how life changing they can be.

Join us at 9:30 as we worship at the Lucknow Presbyterian Church