Monday, April 27, 2015

GEMS Sunday 2015

Every year, for as long as I can remember, we set aside a Sunday to recognize our GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior). This Sunday is GEMS Sunday.

The girls and their leaders have been working hard to prepare for this service. They will lead us in song, and movement. They will point us beyond themselves as we worship a God who loves us so much; a God who wants to have a relationship with us. It is exciting to know about such a God, to have a Savior like Jesus.

When we are excited about something we want to tell others about it. We want to share our excitement, maybe even introduce them to the reason for our happiness.

Long ago, the prophet Isaiah met God in a very personal way. It moved him so much that he volunteered to go as God's voice to his people. He put up his hand and said "Here I am, Send me". Isaiah is the only person in the Bible to ever volunteer to carry God's message.

We too have a message to share, a story of our personal encounters with Jesus. Can we say, with Isaiah, and with our GEMS "Here I am. Send me"?

Monday, April 20, 2015

Macie Numan

Yesterday we celebrated the baptism of Macie Danae Sergovich Numan, infant daughter of Anthony and Aimee. The picture of God reaching out to us before we are able to reach out ourselves is a wonderful one.

Blessings to this family.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Jesus in the Midst of Us

Luke tells us about Jesus' appearance to the disciples just before he records Jesus ascension into heaven. In terms of ink used, Luke spends a lot more of it telling about the visit than he does with what might have been the more amazing sight of a crucified and risen Jesus rising out of sight into heaven. One might wonder why that is?

prcas2184Jesus ascension is a one time, historical event. It is important, because our advocate in heaven is flesh and blood, like us and knows us intimately. Jesus appearance among the disciples, though, is an every day occurrence. Jesus is among is, lives among us, is part of our everyday existence.

How do you see Jesus in your life? In the life of the church? Do we recognize him as being actively involved, or do we see him as far away, unreachable. Luke would have us look for him close by.

This Sunday, we will spend some time talking about the implications of recognizing that Jesus is among us.